This month I’m excited to introduce Melissa Dixon of Thirty Something Super Mom. Melissa is based near Cedar Rapids, Iowa and blogs about health, family lifestyle and travel.
On the Road
This month I’m excited to introduce you to Sage Scott of Everyday Wanderer. Sage is based in Kansas City and blogs about travel in the U.S. and Europe.
There’s nothing better than a good road trip. In fact, there are few things I love more than a loose itinerary and the possibility of the open road.
As children of the Midwest, none of us are particularly accustomed to mountains, or really any sort of substantial elevation. So when we spotted a scenic lookout point—called a turnout in Oklahoma—we couldn’t resist pulling off the highway for a glimpse of the Arbuckle Mountains…
All I could think as we wandered inside was how perfectly the word “serenity” describes this place…
For a number of reasons, Kansas doesn’t seem like the most logical location to find the oldest continually operating movie theater in the world. But when we realized the city of Ottawa was just off I-35 on our way to Austin, I knew we’d be making a stop…
When I first started taking shorter, day trips I didn’t put a lot of thought into packing essentials for the car. It was never as big of a problem for longer trips, but especially when you’re planning to be back the same day, it’s easy to overlook some helpful essentials.
Typically it wouldn’t be until I’m in the middle of rural Iowa with no cellphone service and zero snacks that I’d realize I’d made a horrible mistake. So to keep you from being the hangry, lost roadside traveller I’ve been a few too many times, I’ve compiled a list of helpful essentials to toss into your back seat every time you hit the road, whether you’re traveling 500 miles or just 50…