Freedom Rock

Painted boulder known as the Freedom Rock near Menlo, Iowa

Experience the Original Freedom Rock near Menlo, Iowa

Lately I’ve gotten way behind on blogging some of my roadside adventures, but in honor of Memorial Day, it seemed fitting to share this one.

In my travels west of Des Moines, I’ve often breezed by I-80 exit 86 without even knowing about the Freedom Rock…

Woman standing in O of giant IOWA sign in Manning, Iowa

8 Unique Things to Do in Manning, Iowa

There’s plenty to discover in rural Iowa! In the western part of the state, you’ll find all sorts of things to do in Manning, Iowa, from places full of local history to delicious dining options…

All Rights Reserved Megan Bannister

Driving the White Pole Road

I’m a sucker for scenic drives and vintage highways. So I’m surprised it took me this long to discover the White Pole Road. Part of historic U.S. Route 6, today the White Pole Road is a 26-mile roadway across west-central Iowa that passes through five small towns…