When it comes to roadside advertising, the gas station mentality seems to be that bigger is better. At least that’s true for the St. Louis, Missouri station attached to the World’s Largest Amoco Sign (not to mention Iowa’s World’s Largest Truckstop).
While this sign is attached to a modern gas station, its history dates back more than 100 years. In 1921, John D. Rockefeller’s company Standard Oil purchased the site, and built its first double-sided Standard Oil sign. In 1926, owners added a service station to accompany the sign.
By the 1930s, Standard Red Crown Automotive Repair decided to scrap the original sign. Instead, they built a new one atop the service station roof. The new glimmering sign was made from 44 tons of steel and featured 5,800 bulbs, 2,900 feet of neon tubing and five miles of internal wiring.
In the 1950s, the station changed ownership. The building (along with the sign) was razed to make way for a more modern version. When a new sign was constructed, its design had bold colors and sleek lines to match the mid-century modern aesthetic of the time.
Then in 1961, Standard Oil’s various operations came together to become the American Oil Company, which was later shortened to Amoco. By the mid-1980s, the company had officially adopted the name and the first Amoco branded sign was erected on this site. Despite the fact that BP (also known as British Petroleum) acquired Amoco in 1998, the World’s Largest Amoco Sign has remained.
Fast Facts: World’s Largest Amoco Sign
Frequently Asked Questions About the World’s Largest Amoco Sign
Why is there a giant Amoco sign in St. Louis?
The World’s Largest Amoco sign dates back to the 1920s when this gas station site was first purchased by Standard Oil. While the sign’s shape and branding has changed over the years, a giant sign has graced this gas station for more than 100 years. But there’s a simple answer to why this sign is here: easily-visible advertising.
Where is the big Amoco sign in St. Louis?
You’ll find the giant Amoco sign in St. Louis at Stevenson’s Hi-Pointe Amoco at 981 S. Skinker Boulevard. The station is adjacent to Forest Park and can easily be seen when driving west on Highway 64.
Plan Your Visit to the World’s Largest Amoco Sign
You’ll find the World’s Largest Amoco sign atop Stevenson’s Hi-Pointe Amoco. This triangle-shaped lot sits at the intersection of Skinker Boulevard and Clayton Road near St. Louis’ Forest Park.
The version of the Amoco sign you’ll see today got a refresh in 2019 with updated colors and more environmentally friendly lighting. For reference, its design and size is similar to that of the Standard Oil sign that sat atop the station in the 1980s.
Stevenson’s Hi-Pointe Amoco, 981 S. Skinker Boulevard in St. Louis, Missouri
St. Louis is home to a number of other big roadside attractions including the World’s Largest Chess Piece, World’s Largest Underwear, and more.
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